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Monday, 13 October 2014


At the Conservative Conference George Osborne, in the style of his fictional hero the Sheriff of Nottingham, has pledged to once again attack those who are the poorest in our society.  Georgie fears that if these measures are not implemented, then he may be forced to tax his billionaire buddies, and may even be forced to collect the unpaid 7.2 billion pounds of unpaid corporation tax.   This will mean that poor old Georgie will be shunned at the club. Therefore, Georgie has no choice but to squeeze even more money from the under-classes of society.  Georgie knows that happiness should only be a privilege for those that can afford it.  This is why Georgie Osborne has tried his best to make sure that John Bull and his friends have as little pleasure in their lives as possible. 

On the same day George Osborne announced his plans, IDS, (Irritating Duncan Smith), made his own plans on how to attack the poor.  Iain Duncan Smith has created the not so smart idea of smart cards.  This means that people on benefits will be given a smart card, instead of a benefits payment, that will only let them buy the bare essentials; if the claimant tries to buy alcohol or tobacco, the card gets blocked.  This is just another attempt to make the conditions of the most poor in society even more miserable, in a country grounded upon zero hour contracts, unlivable wages and lack of employment opportunities.  The Tory Toffs are once again creating a stereotype of a work fearing, thuggish, under species that needs to be culled.  But the truth reveals hard working, taxpaying, low paid individuals; who have a high moral integrity.  Unlike MPs', bankers' and unscrupulous businessmen; who steal, lie, cheat and judge those that they see below them; but are far above.  Iain Duncan Smith is a man who judges; but should be judged.  In October 2003 Dr Venessa Gearson gave written evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee, that she had written an email to Conservative Central Office, about her concerns that Iain Duncan Smith was claiming taxpayers money for food for his home, personal lunches, haircuts and even a pair of underpants (which were the especially tailored cream and brown Armani Y fronts that he wears).  This is also a man who was involved in the Betsygate Scandal; where questions were raised about the amount of money he paid his wife, Betsy Duncan Smith, to be his Diary Secretary when he was party leader.  This man, with questionable integrity, now judges the poorest in our society.  Iain Duncan Smith and his colleagues eat in the most expensive restaurants, drink alcohol subsidised by tax payers money (in 2013 it was revealed that the taxpayer paid 7 million pounds to subsidise the tipples of MPs).  These hypocrites once again attack the poor, as they indulge themselves at the cost of the poor.  

Olde John Bull

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