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Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Labour Grass Roots Vote for One of Their Own, Against Parties Choice Candidate in South Wales

Last Saturday, in the town of Neath in South Wales, the Labour Party held a Hustings meeting at Neath Town Hall to select the Labour candidate to replace the outgoing MP Peter Hain.  However, in the style of recent Labour Party candidate elections across Britain, the Labour Party parachuted in their preferred candidate.  This was witnessed earlier this year, when Stephen Kinnock, son of former
Labour Leader Neil Kinnock, was parachuted into the Labour safe-seat of Aberavon.  Neath and Port Talbot, the constituency which the Aberavon seat represents, share a single council and are situated just a few miles apart.  The Labour Party on successfully implanting their preferred candidate of Stephen Kinnock in Aberavon believed they could once again implant their preferred candidate, Mabel Mckeown, in Neath. American born Mabel, is the daughter of Tracy Ullman and film and TV producer Allan Mckeown, writer of such shows as Auf Wiedersehen Pet and Porridge.  Mrs Mckeown was previously rumoured to be the potential Labour candidate to replace outgoing MP, Joan Walley, as MP for Stoke on Trent North last year, but local activists vented their anger and after articles appeared the media the Labour Party decided to parachute in candidate Ruth Smeeth instead.  The Labour Party has recently been attempting to replace local candidates, with the party’s parachuted candidates of choice, in an attempt to influence election results toward their chosen candidates'.  The Mckeown family has had a long history of making donations to the Labour Party, and Tracy Ullman even appeared in the 1980s music video ‘My Guy’ with Labour Leader Neil Kinnock.   Many of the candidates that have been parachuted into safe seats have been from privileged backgrounds, or have been the sons of Labours past, such as Stephen Kinnock, Will Straw and the rumoured Euan Blair.  The Labour Party has been attempting to disenfranchise the working class from Parliament; by replacing outgoing Labour Ministers with candidates who have led a privileged lifestyle, and have been given opportunities beyond the means of the many.  The Labour Party has forgotten the reason for its creation; the Labour Party was created upon an idea, an idea that by electing working people into parliament, the working class people, who were then and still are the largest section of British society, would have a voice from among them, to speak on the issues that affect them; now the party that was created to give the people this voice silences it.  By choosing candidates from their choice section of society, Ed Milliband and his middle class bandits are stealing our voice, the voice of the people. These middle class Labour members scratch their heads, discombobulated, and trying to understand why UKIP are taking votes from the mainstream parties; when the reason why is because Labour, the party created to represent a majority of the people of Britain, decided to represent a small wealthy element of our society instead.  But among this blackness comes a glimmer of hope, a spark of light that may show the way for other constituencies across Britain.  Unlike other constituencies, that have voted for Labours parachuted candidates' of choice, the Labour grassroots of Neath remembered why the Labour Party was created when they voted for local candidate Christina Rees to be their Labour Party representative. Christina was born in Kenfig Hill, a few miles from Neath, and attended a local comprehensive school.  She has no airs and graces, but has a passion for politics, a passion for change and a passion to be the voice for an area where poverty and unemployment have taken hold.  The people of Neath have sent a message to Parliament, a message that will tell the Labour Party in Whitehall that the people of Neath do not want their parachuted prosperous and privileged perspective candidate, the people of Neath want one of their own as their representative.  Let us hope that other constituencies will take an example from this small town in South Wales, let us hope that other constituencies will vote for their local working class candidates and let us hope that one day soon we may once again hear the voice of the people speak in parliament.         


Friday, 31 October 2014


Nigel Farage and UKIP have made a new friend in Europe, but not the kind of friend a democratic party should be allying with.  Nigel Farage’s new alliance has been made with the radical right-wing Polish MEP Robert Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz, who recently has been recruited by Nigel Farage to join the Europe for Freedom and Direct Democracy group (EFDD), the anti-European Group in Brussels.  Last May, this new recruit stated to the Wroclaw Gazette, that he was ‘convinced’ that wife beating would ‘help bring many wives back down to Earth’, when asked about the subject.  Iwaszkiwwicz followed these comments by stating that he ‘did not beat his wife’ as they get along, but ‘unfortunately’ he ‘never beat’ his ‘children’.  When questioned why he said ‘unfortunately’, the Polish Politician explained ‘Because it would have toughened them up’[1].   Robert Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz belongs to the far-right Polish party, The Congress of the New Right, and has defended party leader Jorun Korin-Mikke, about his provocative comments on subjects such as rape, Hitler was unaware of the Holocaust, women should not have the vote and defended further accusations of racist language and his claim that ‘democracy was the stupidest form of government ever perceived’.  When making alliances with such MEPs’, the British public need to ask the question whether UKIP is the right party to promote equality and freedom in the UK, when they are making alliances with such extremists; is this just a controversial move by a democratic party or does this alliance truly exhibit the extremity of the ideologies of UKIP behind its beer swilling exterior.   

Olde John Bull
[1] A Bennett and Ed Simone, ‘UKIPs new ally Joked about Wife Beating and Defending Hitler’, Huffington Post UK, 20/10/2014 


Olde John Bull

Friday, 17 October 2014


Lord Freud, in a meeting at the recent Tory Conference stated that disabled people are ‘not worth’ the minimum wage.  Even though, his statement doesn’t consider the various degrees of disabilities and how often disabled people can do the same job, or better, than those without disabilities.  If we consider such comments, we need to ask the question if Lord Freud is considering that people such as Albert Einstein, Stephan Hawking, Helen Keller, David Blunkett, Franklin D Roosevelt and many others, have proved that a disability does not distinguish a person’s worth.  Does Lord Freud believe that these people, who have made such amazing achievements, do not deserve to be paid the same wages as their colleagues?   This is just another bigoted Tory attack that has backfired on the Conservatives, but this is also not the first time that such an attack has been made on the disabled by the Tories.

In 2011 the Conservative MP for Shipley, Phillip Davies, made comments in a Commons debate that disabled people should be made to work for less.  Davies stated that ‘‘people with a learning disability clearly, by definition, cannot be as productive in their work.’’[1] Once again we are brought into a backward driving debate on whether people with disabilities should be paid less for doing the same job.  Obviously, employers will be more attracted to hiring someone to do a job for slave wages.  We call ourselves an inclusive society, but we discuss whether we should pay people poverty wages because they are at a disadvantage.  If we need to debate wages, surely the debate should be based on the wages of those who create such idiotic comments, these are the people in society that are not worth the wages we pay them.  We need to ask the question whether MPs’, not the disabled, are worth the minimum wage.

Olde John Bull

[1] Allegra Stratton, ‘Tory MP Phillip Davies: Disabled People Could Work for Less’, The Guardian, 17th June 2011, Guardian News and Media Ltd.    


Olde John Bull



Toryitis is a virulent mental illness, which has many strange symptoms.  Sufferers of Toryitis can often have illusions of grandeur, where they believe they are of a species above their fellow human beings.  Sufferers can also have large bouts of bigotry, which can be followed by smaller periods of racism.  Toryitis makes the sufferer paranoid about those who are of a different ethnic origin, sexuality, gender (only in male sufferers) or belief system to themselves. Toryitis also causes sufferers to feel a strange attraction to their first cousins; by marrying their cousins they often pass on the faulty Tory gene to the next generation. 

The origin of this virulent mental infliction can often be found in its earliest stages in the playing fields of Eton and Harrow, but takes hold of its sufferers in the colder climates of Oxford and Cambridge.  Toryitis, in its most severe form, can cause lightening of the hair follicles and a floppiness of the hair root; as can be seen from the photographic examples of two quarantined sufferers below; these sufferers reside at London’s Bedlam Hospital 5 days a week for              treatment; spending the rest of their time in the mayoral offices or House of Commons.     

We must act fast to counteract this growing epidemic.  The only known cure is the taxation of mansion houses, the favourite dwellings of sufferers of the condition, and higher taxation on the wealth of sufferers; this will assist in destroying their illusions of grandeur, which will then assist them in facing the realities of ordinary human beings.  


Olde John Bull

Monday, 13 October 2014


At the Conservative Conference George Osborne, in the style of his fictional hero the Sheriff of Nottingham, has pledged to once again attack those who are the poorest in our society.  Georgie fears that if these measures are not implemented, then he may be forced to tax his billionaire buddies, and may even be forced to collect the unpaid 7.2 billion pounds of unpaid corporation tax.   This will mean that poor old Georgie will be shunned at the club. Therefore, Georgie has no choice but to squeeze even more money from the under-classes of society.  Georgie knows that happiness should only be a privilege for those that can afford it.  This is why Georgie Osborne has tried his best to make sure that John Bull and his friends have as little pleasure in their lives as possible. 

On the same day George Osborne announced his plans, IDS, (Irritating Duncan Smith), made his own plans on how to attack the poor.  Iain Duncan Smith has created the not so smart idea of smart cards.  This means that people on benefits will be given a smart card, instead of a benefits payment, that will only let them buy the bare essentials; if the claimant tries to buy alcohol or tobacco, the card gets blocked.  This is just another attempt to make the conditions of the most poor in society even more miserable, in a country grounded upon zero hour contracts, unlivable wages and lack of employment opportunities.  The Tory Toffs are once again creating a stereotype of a work fearing, thuggish, under species that needs to be culled.  But the truth reveals hard working, taxpaying, low paid individuals; who have a high moral integrity.  Unlike MPs', bankers' and unscrupulous businessmen; who steal, lie, cheat and judge those that they see below them; but are far above.  Iain Duncan Smith is a man who judges; but should be judged.  In October 2003 Dr Venessa Gearson gave written evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee, that she had written an email to Conservative Central Office, about her concerns that Iain Duncan Smith was claiming taxpayers money for food for his home, personal lunches, haircuts and even a pair of underpants (which were the especially tailored cream and brown Armani Y fronts that he wears).  This is also a man who was involved in the Betsygate Scandal; where questions were raised about the amount of money he paid his wife, Betsy Duncan Smith, to be his Diary Secretary when he was party leader.  This man, with questionable integrity, now judges the poorest in our society.  Iain Duncan Smith and his colleagues eat in the most expensive restaurants, drink alcohol subsidised by tax payers money (in 2013 it was revealed that the taxpayer paid 7 million pounds to subsidise the tipples of MPs).  These hypocrites once again attack the poor, as they indulge themselves at the cost of the poor.  

Olde John Bull


The Labour Party, a party created so that working people would have a voice in Parliament, at the Labour Party Conference sank to an all time low. Ed Miliband at his final Conference speech before the 2015 election, had the mendacity to state how the Labour Party was going to be representative of working peoples’ interests if Labour gain power in 2015; at this time poor Bernadette Horton, a disabled Labour Party delegate, had forty minutes earlier been removed from her seat to be hidden from the view of the cameras.  Doesn’t Ed Miliband realise that John Bull doesn’t want to hear about equality, he wants to believe that the Labour Party will deliver equality.  Poor John Bull’s disabled colleagues have been through the mill in the last five years, as they have watched the Atos system create misery and poverty with such vigour; that the ultimate goal can only be to drive disabled people into such despair, that suicide is their only option. Such ethnic cleansing hasn’t been witnessed since Adolf Hitler sent his SS out in vans to gather the disabled people from the streets of Germany.  Mr Miliband, as a counter policy to the vulgarity of the Atos System, has decided that disabled people are still too vulgar for the Labour Party; as they do not meet the desired criteria of the party’s main policy of image.   If you are not female, young or connected, then you are not right for the Labour Party; this is the message that Labour is conveying to its members across the country. 

John Bull has recently observed the extent to which the Labour Party has currently been enforcing all female short lists across Britain, in regions where there has been as much a 100% objection against all female short lists.  Once again Miliband and his middle class bandits’ have robbed John Bull and his fellow grassroots of their democratic choice. Jill Bull often reminds me that Parliament needs more female representation, but only by making politics more attractive to women, will we get women elected for their merits and not their gender.  There are still open candidate lists in certain regions; where the autocratic party system makes it their prerogative. The party prerogative of 2013/14 has been to only allow open candidate lists in regions where the son’s of Labours past would like to stand.  This has witnessed Will Straw, Stephen Kinnock, Euan Blair and others, to stand in safe seats across Britain.  The Labour Party is currently in search of the Great, Great, Grandson of Keir Hardie to stand as a candidate; so the party can still claim that it is true to its roots.  John Bull’s friend Taffy has informed him that within a 40 mile radius of the safe Labour seat of Aberavon; where the Welsh Windbag’s son, Stephen Kinnock, wishes to reside in South Wales.   There have been all female short lists in the constituencies of Cardiff Central, Cardiff North, Carmarthen West, the Cynon Valley, Merthyr Tydfil and Neath; all of which have had all women short lists forced upon them, while all consultation, discussion and objection has been ignored.    The current Labour Party wants only the offspring of its golden boys to be its male representatives, it wants rich young females to make it modern, it wants Oxbridge graduates’ to make it intellectual; but none of these make it representative.  The Labour Party doesn’t want democracy, the Labour Party doesn’t want poor Bernadette Horton, the Labour Party doesn’t want Olde John Bull, the Labour Party doesn’t want the voice of the people to speak from its seats; the Labour Party only wants the right image

Olde John Bull


Olde John Bull has recently been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), the symptoms of which began about the same time IDS (Irritating Duncan Smith) became Minister for Work and Pensions.  I have not been one of the many thousands affected by IDS policies, and am therefore not getting irregular bowel movements as a symptom of malnutrition; caused by the governments policy on poverty. Until recently I even had one of those 

fantastic zero hour contracts, that entitled me to almost three days of work a week; with a kingly minimum wage per hour to boot.  Even though I have not been affected personally by the policies of IDS, I have been affected by the symptoms of IBS; causing me to notice the five similarities between both IDS and IBS:

Similarity One
Sufferers of IBS are unable to eat foods due to allergic reaction.
Sufferers of IDS policy are unable to eat foods due to cost.

Similarity Two

Sufferers of IBS can feel like they live in the lavatory. 
Sufferers of IDS policy can only afford to live in a room the size of a lavatory.

Similarity Three           

IBS causes the sufferer to have regular bouts of diarrhea. 
IDS has regular bouts of diarrhea (but from a different orifice).

Similarity Four

IBS can cause pain in the anus.
IDS is a pain in the anus.

Similarity Five   

When suffering from IBS the sufferer will wish for the symptoms to disappear. 
A majority of the public wishes IDS would disappear.

IDS is a disease of the poor, like cholera and typhoid before it, IDS leaves in its wake ill health and death to all that its policies contaminate.

Olde John Bull   


Hello and welcome to my site.

John Bull here!!!

I am about to take you on a journey of lying politicians, greedy bankers and a corrupt establishment.

Yes, that's right!!

 I am talking about Britain.

The country of bankers' bonuses, billionaire boys' clubs and posh brats' (also known as Conservatives).   I am about to kick the establishment where it hurts, with the oldest weapon we have, SATIRE!

Hope you enjoy John Bull in the Full.

Olde John Bull